Boosting Your Immunity as we come out of Lock-Down

So as the regulations relax, we are starting to interact with people again. And there is some fear and belief that we will shortly have another COVID-19 outbreak.


So what can you do to make sure your immune system is up to the task and as healthy as possible.

There are lots of things actually, some of which you are probably already doing. But here goes anyway..

Why do I need to boost my Immune System?

Well normally your immune system is coming into contact with loads of bacteria and viruses on a daily basis, and it’s constantly responding and building a healthy response to these in preparation for the bigger, nastier bugs. But for the past months your immune system has not had the normal stimulation, so may be a little sleepy…. so you want to get it juiced up and ready to leap into action should it need to…

So what can you do…..


I’m not usually big on supplements but there are a basic group that give a lot of immune support which are Vitamin C, D and Zinc.

Vitamin D is also very available from sunshine, so if you are getting a good dose everyday you may pass on this one, but the other two currently I’d add in (I have) for a few weeks.


Our bodies do much better when they get regular exercise, so hopefully you’ve done lots during lock-down but if not I suggest you find something you enjoy and get going again. Really helps.

Positive Mental Attitude

There has been so much fear spread by mainstream media that personally I’ve stopped watching it. Fear suppresses the immune system, so it’s important to find things to focus on that make you feel good, elevate your mood and allow you to be happy, positive and joyful. Be creative, it works.

Eat Well

Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit on a daily basis are so important for good health and good immunity. We all know this, but we don’t always do it. If you can’t eat well, at least consider some kind of natural based supplement such as Juice Plus, but my recommendation is eat fresh food as much as possible.


Not so much an immune booster as a supporter of health, it’s really important to drink plenty of water on a daily basis, I prefer filtered to bottled or tap, but any kind of water is better than none.

Rachael Talbot