Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) on Netflix

So there is currently a lot of interest about Network Spinal Analysis on social media which is not something I would normally comment on. But this feels important and also there is one of the best videos I’ve seen explaining something I’ve been passionate about for years

John Amaral, a chiropractor trained in Network Spinal Analysis from the west coast of America has been featured in Gwyneth Paltrows Goop Series, currently screening on Netflix.

I’ve done seminars with John and his wife (also an excellent chiropractor) and he is highly talented, committed and respected within my community. He’s been working with a number of celebrities for many years and now through his work with Gwyneth, there is Goop.

I love how he explains his work, supported by science and experience. You can read the articles by journalists from all over the world - the Daily Mail are particularly damming - because they have seen one session, out of context and are writing a story to sell papers, or you can watch John and the Goop team share their experiences. His explanation of what he is doing simple to understand, and very relatable to the real world, whereas there are currently also a lot of articles that disparage this work and are just out to hype and get readers.

John is now practicing the Energy Flow Formula and I can’t comment on that approach, other than the common ground is very clear and we share common roots in chiropractic and Network Spinal Analysis. I too trained extensively with Donny Epstein and have also studied other forms of body and energy work.

Personally, I first came across Network Chiropractic as it was then called, in 2001 when I was at Chiropractic College. I thought it was really weird, and I remember sitting there with arms crossed saying to myself “there is no way I’ll ever do something that weird….” Then not long after graduation I was on a language course with an American lady, who was really excited when she heard I was a chiropractor and very upset when I told her I didn’t practice Network. And I was really annoyed with her, for not wanting what I did… Fast forward 4 years - I had my first Network adjustment…. and then I started to understand what she was looking for and what was possible… you can read the details of my story here, but back to John. It does look weird, I totally get that. But magic so often happens with this approach….

So watch Goop and make up your own mind…. or experience NSA yourself, before you go on the opinion of a journalist who has zero experience and just wants to sell papers and attract readers