What is Chiropractic?

What most people mean when they ask this question is “what are you going to do to me”. They don’t tend to ask – but why are you doing what you’re doing. I find that the why is so important, which is why I’m taking the time to explain it to you today.

Chiropractic is based on several key assumptions, all based in science.

1.       Your body is self-healing and self-organising

2.       Your body is animated by a life force or innate energy (whereas a corps has no life force)

3.       Your nervous system coordinates how well your life force organises in your body

4.       Your spine protects your nervous system, and the function of your spine determines how well it works

5.       Chiropractic is the art of working with your spine to ensure that your life force flows optimally so that you can be the best functioning version of you.

Because we experience the world through our nervous system! All your senses – touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing are dependent on nervous system function. All your organs and automatic functions are dependent on nervous system control. All your muscles are regulated by your nervous system, knowing when to activate and tense and when to relax. Your emotional state, your thoughts, your feelings – all products of nervous system function.

Think of life force as a light that is controlled by a dimmer switch. When the dimmer switch is fully on, you’re bright, you’re energized, you’re animated, you’re vital, you engage with every opportunity that life presents. You handle stress with ease, because you have lots of energy. Your focus is clear. Your muscles and joints work well, they switch on when you need to be upright, to walk, to play sport, to engage, and they dial down when you relax and your energy is switched to digestion, healing, recuperation,  regeneration, sleep and anything that helps you to rest and repair.

As a chiropractor my job is to make sure that your life force is fully available to animate your body, to keep you functioning optimally and fully able to experience life.

When there is interference to the flow of life force in your body, gentle chiropractic adjustment to your spine help that energy to flow again, helping you heal and recover from life’s challenges and to express the best of you at all times.

Healing is a journey and it often takes time to optimise the spine. Enjoy the journey, take pleasure in observing how your body can function and how great it feels when it functions well.

There are numerous chiropractic approaches, which will be discussed in future articles. But the important thing to remember is that when your nervous system is working at its best, life force is flowing at its best, you’ll be at your best.

Rachael Talbot