Am I Doing Enough?

I was a speaker at a Women’s Chiropractic Conference recently and some really interesting things came out of the conversations.

Firstly, almost everyone I spoke to was somewhere between “tired” and “exhausted”. Granted many felt they were starting to pick up, but the baseline was not “energized”

And secondly, so many women felt that they weren’t doing enough to help their family, their friends, their clients. There was a real theme from these incredible, successful women, that they could be and should be more.

And it made me sad. Because I know personally that I’ve never worked as hard as I have in the past 2 years. To find a way to serve, to find ways to help people. To respect every persons different level of fear or not, so that they could get the chiropractic care they needed. And it’s been really hard.

So I’ve spoken to a few of my friends who are not chiropractors, and the theme is there too. Looking after their family, their kids, their colleagues and helping them to manage their emotions, expectations, frustrations and so much more.

It’s not just a “woman” thing, though I believe women talk about it more openly than men. And the men I’ve connected with are saying very similar things

“We have all been through an incredibly difficult time,
and it’s not over yet”

There are still many limitations and restrictions on us. We are still in the winter months when viruses tend to be more active.

So what can we do?

  1. Be kind to yourself. Recognize that this has been tough. And it’s ok to feel exhausted. And it’s ok to be happy with just doing your best

  2. Look at your diet. Make sure you’re eating plenty of fresh vegetables, drinking water, high quality proteins and fats, and minimising junk food, caffeine and alcohol. Our bodies need to be supported.

  3. Consider supplementation. Most people are deficient of Vitamin D in the winter months, so supplement (and add in Vit K if it’s not included as it helps absorption). Also consider Vitamin C, Magnesium (also common deficiency) and Zinc.

  4. Get outside and exercise gently or vigorously depending on age and constitution. The connection to nature is something that is free and sustains us.

  5. Make sure you get your regular chiropractic adjustments to support your body.

We all know what to do, it’s just a matter of pausing and listening to our body, and prioritising the things that we know will help us. Start small, do one thing today for yourself. If you’re reading this you’ve survived. Now it’s time to thrive and flourish.

Rachael Talbot