Can the Mediterranean Diet Slow Aging?

With so many “new” diets being touted as the solution to the health crisis, it’s good to be reminded of the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is one that is high in fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, olive oil, nuts and seeds, with moderate dairy, fish and some meat, washed down with a glass of wine.

In a series of 6 studies, the main indicator of health benefits was found to be how well the diet was adhered to, with better scores coming from the groups that followed the diet better. These groups showed healthier aging scores, ie they aged better.

Another conclusion from the studies was that Co-enzyme Q10 supplementation also enhanced healthy aging.

However, no one has as yet been able to explain why it works. But if you are going to follow a diet, it’s a great one to follow because there are so many fantastic things you can eat.

Reference: JGerontolABiolSciMedSci, 2018; 73: 315-54

WellnessRachael Talbot